Animals Who Talk: A Creative Writing Workshop with Dianne Wolfer

Tuesday, 9th November 2021 - 5:00pm to 6:30pm


Dianne Wolfer an award-winning author of 19 books for children and teenagers. She has always loved animal stories and explored this passion via doctoral research. As part of this study, Dianne wrote two award-winning titles; ‘The Shark Caller’ and ‘The Dog With Seven Names’.  Both books are Children’s Book Council of Australia Notables and The Shark Caller has been contracted for film production.

In this FREE interactive workshop, Dianne will share practical tips about writing from diverse animal viewpoints. If you love Animal Farm, Call of the Wild, The Art of Racing in the Rain, Black Beauty or Pig the Pug, this workshop is for you. Come along and find out more about writing in this genre.

Register via the Booking button or email: [email protected]

For further information about anthropomorphism in literature go to Dianne’s website: